At the :58 second point in the video something happens that apparently causes the photographer to suffer from a seizure. Rumoured bitter enemies for life David Gilmour and Roger Waters reunited on a London stage for "Comfortably Numb" the other night. ( That said, they did keep their distance at first. There is after all a Wall between them)
For only the second time since the band broke up in 1985, the three surviving members of Pink Floyd shared a stage. Have they forgotten the brew-ha-ha over who could go on tour as Pink Floyd? ( and who says "brew ha ha" anymore?)...or the nasty backstage battles?( "Dave [Gilmour] and Rick [Wright] were kind of insecure," Roger was once quoted as saying. " They'd always try to attack me, saying I sang out of tune or I couldn't really play")...or is this just a stunt timed to promote September's massive reissue of the Pink Floyd catalog on CD, DVD. Blu-Ray, SACD etc etc etc.
No matter. Here's Nick Mason sharing the cheers and applause after joining the pair for the final song of the night, "Outside The Wall" ( at the 3:45 moment)
Could it happen again? Apparently not. Waters broke the news on his blog:
"I should also remind you that tonight is most definitely a one-off. David is not repeating his special guest performance at a later occasion, I'm sorry to disappoint those of you with fingers crossed and tickets for later shows."
Oh, and the best Pink Floyd album? Meddle.
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